3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
Not only diet, but an entire lifestyle change. We were meant to grow fresh fruit and vegetables in the country.
The healthiest foods are those plucked right from the garden and orchard
We eat food for the nutrients, vitamins, minerals necessary to make good blood.
AzureStandard.com website for healthy and abundant living -
Exercise helps with sleep, digestion, relaxing, lowering blood pressure, strengthening muscles, and more, meaningful exercise is the best and very important.
Water – The very best beverage – Drink plenty of pure, soft water freely. Drink plenty of distilled water.
There are many testimonies of much improved health while drinking distilled water, as opposed to other forms of water such as mineral water. The problem with mineral water is that the minerals are inorganic, and not useful for the body. Distilled water is the best for cleansing the tissues, which is the purpose of water. The fresh fruits and vegetables have the minerals and vitamins the body needs to be healthy. That is the purpose for eating food. The water even tastes more pure and healthier and tastier. Buying jugs of distilled water at the store is convenient and does not cost much. Having a water distiller is helpful for not having to buy bottled distilled water from the store when the shelves are empty. Distilled water is inexpensive. H20 Labs is very highly rated, with BPA-free and 4.9 stars out of 5, and is the one I've been using for years. It's very easy to clean after making distilled water, just by using a little bit of distilled white vinegar in the stainless steel container and letting it sit for a few hours, then rinsing and washing.
Here are testimonies from medical doctors about drinking distilled water, and the awesome, beneficial results.
Distilled water truths
Pure, soft water true secretsSunlight
Sunshine – Produces Calcium, Serotonin, and Vitamin D boosts the immune system-Be sure to get lots of sunshine moderately-Other Doctor proven ways to get Vitamin D include taking a supplement, or using a high quality Vitamin D lamp to raise Vitamin D levels in the system-sunflower seed sprouts contain Vitamin D.
Life Balance, and entire abstinence from every hurtful indulgence.
Necessary for healthy cells and blood - Deep breaths help relax.
Blessed sleep is at least 8 hours a night – the ideal bed time is before 9:30pm. Also resting includes the 4th commandment in Exodus 20:8-11 Resting the seventh day Friday evening to Saturday evening.
Trust in GOD